Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What's Your Excuse? - Don't Miss a Blessing!

In 1986 I had an opportunity to do something I was scared to death to do.  Until that point I had taken some short mission trips within the U.S.   But, when my pastor approached me about joining him on a 17 day mission trip to Argentina, I had a lengthy list of reasons why I couldn't do it.  As I spelled out all my reasons including finances, never flown before, no passport, a young wife who didn't need to be at home alone that long, and the big one - I had never actually shared my faith with anyone to this point, he was able to reason away every excuse I gave.  I'm so glad he did because my life was impacted forever.

Mate cup and straw

The flights were definitely the worst part of the trip for me.  To this day, I'm not real keen on flying; or should I say, my stomach isn't.  But, once we arrived in Argentina, I saw God do things that I couldn't have imagined.  Our work consisted of knocking on doors all day and talking with people about what Jesus had done in our life and what He wanted to do in their life.  At night we would conduct evangelistic worship services in churches where I would lead the music and my pastor would preach.  Following each of the services we would go to a home of a church member and sit around the table and share a cup of mate and fellowship.  Mate (pronounced Mah-tee) is a strong tea in a wooden cup with a metal infusion straw.  The cup and straw are shared by everyone and passed around the table.  That took some getting used to; but, hey, when in Rome....  

There are so many memories I could tell about that impacted my life and amazed me, but one particular night changed me forever.  We had finished an evangelistic service at the church and an elderly lady came to me and asked if I would go to her house and have dinner with her family.  I believed she was inviting me, the pastor, and my translator, but that was not the case.  I was the only one on the team who was invited.  When I arrived, she had arranged for a translator who had previously lived in California to join us and be my communicator.  In addition to the translator, there were 7 other people around the table, and they all had their attention focused on me the entire evening.  I was pretty uncomfortable with all of the attention.  We finished a wonderful meal and my host, who invited me, looked at me and just nodded.  I looked at my translator and she communicated that it was now my turn to tell everyone why I was here.  So, I began telling my story.  I told how Jesus Christ had changed my life and how I had been sharing that with people in the community.  I asked if that had happened for them.  I asked them individually with the help of the translator.  One-by-one I watched as the translator would ask the question to each individual for me and they would respond "No".  I was just about to go to the next part when I sensed that the Holy Spirit said "Ask the translator".  When I asked her, she said "No", that had never happened for her either.  My next question to each of them was "May I tell you how Jesus can do for you what He has done for me?"  One-by-one they eagerly said "Yes", including the translator; all except for one old man who acted like he thought this whole discussion was stupid.  I felt so sorry for him but I pressed on for those who wanted to hear.  I explained about how all of us have sinned against God and deserve eternal punishment for our sins.  I shared that He loved us too much to let that happen so He provided a way of forgiveness when Jesus died on the cross in our place.  I told them of the resurrection of Jesus and how he ascended to heaven to prepare a place for us.  I told them they can be with Jesus one day and they can have real joy right now if they would repent of their sins and follow Jesus Christ as their Lord and their Savior.  It took a little while, but that night 7 people repented of their sins and became followers of Jesus Christ; including the translator.  I was forever changed. 

That was 27 years ago and I remember it like it was yesterday.  I'm done with excuses now.  I have seen that God is far bigger than any little excuse I can come up with.  If we are obedient to do what He has instructed us to do, He will be faithful to bring fruit from it.  I have seen it work over and over again since that time and I know that if I don't share with people, I'm missing a blessing.  Are you missing a blessing or are you being obedient?  God wants to use you in His kingdom work.  He may not send you to Argentina; or He may.  He may just send you next door or even to someone who is attending your church.  I thank God for Dr. Joseph Anderson and what he did for me.  I'm thankful that He and God didn't take my excuses.  The Great Commission is for all of us; no matter what our circumstances may be.  In the words of David Ring, the preacher with cerebral palsy, "What's your excuse?"  It really doesn't matter, does it?

Monday, May 6, 2013

Mom, We Applaud You

At the age of 49, I completely understand that it's not easy being a parent.  My mother had a little more difficult time of it than most.  She had to raise me, which was no easy task.  There were times she had to simply sit back and pray that I would get through it alive and without any permanent damage.  I know God heard those prayers.  At the time I really didn't understand how much praying she was doing, but as a parent, I understand now that she was praying hard.  In fact, she still is. 

Mom is an avid reader of God's Word.  I admire her dedication to the reading and study of the Bible.  At times she has taught children in Sunday School or in after-school programs at her church.  She has discipled many children who have decided to become followers of Jesus Christ.  She has ministered to many of her friends who have experienced a loss in their life.  Most exciting to see is the peace and joy that she has in just having a relationship with the Lord.  She absolutely enjoys being saved. 

Mom, entered a new stage in her life about 22 years ago.  She became a grandmother for the first time.  Turns out she's good at that too.  She has five grandchildren and loves them all dearly.  Although distance makes it difficult to be with the grandkids all of the time, Mom (Memaw) makes sure that these grandkids know they are loved and that she is praying for them.  She is one of their greatest cheerleaders; something she was also good at back in high school.

I love my mother and I thank God that she is one of my best friends.  The greatest lessons she has ever taught me have been by her example.  She taught me to always trust that God will provide and no matter what, we can depend on Him.  One of my mother's very favorite verses is "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."  Prov. 3:5-6  She quoted it often and as I grew up God sank the truth of those verses very deep into my heart. 

Mom, thank you that you pointed my heart to Jesus.  Thank you that you prayed for me and that you still do.  Thank you for praying for my children.  Thank you for being a Godly example to me and Valerie and our children.  Thank you for being an encourager to all of us.  We love you and we thank God for you.  Mom, we applaud you!  Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Where Do I Go To Find a Hero?

I heard a man called a "hero" the other day because he came out and explained to the world that he was gay.  Really?  Have we really taken the word "hero" down to that level?  When I was growing up, a hero was someone who saved lives, even if it cost him his.  An airplane pilot who does everything in his power to save his crew and his passengers at the risk of his own life has the right to be called a hero.  A soldier who risks his own life trying to save his fellow soldiers could be called a hero.  A fireman who runs in to a burning building that will soon collapse so he can save the children inside has earned the right to be called a hero.  But the word has certainly been brought to a new low in the last couple of weeks.

The greatest hero that has ever walked the earth was Jesus Christ.  He never sinned, yet He took upon Himself all of the punishment that we deserved for all of the sin in our life.  He did not lash out at His accusers, but instead loved them right to the point of death; the death they orchestrated.  He chose to do this for you and for me.  He was brutally beaten, treated worse than a criminal, and mocked by those He came to save.  He didn't have to come, but He fulfilled the plan of the Father to redeem us back to God.  He left heaven where He had always been and came to this place of sinful wicked people who didn't deserve what He would do for them.  Now that, my friends, is a hero.  He ran to me and saved me from eternal hell so that I could be in relationship with Him for eternity.  I deserved to burn, but He loved me too much to leave me there.  That's MY hero.  That's my KING.  He knew my sin and loved me anyway.  Oh, by the way, He did the same for you.  He wants to restore you to God, but you must die to your own desires and living your life your own way and turn to this HERO, this KING, this Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.  He is ready to receive you if you will turn your life over to Him.   "If you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord', and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."  Romans 10:9

I think the lyrics to the song "Hero" by Abandon say it all:

And there He goes, a Hero, a Savior to the world
Here He stands with scars in His hands
With love He gave His life so we could be free
The Savior of the world

It's my prayer that you will follow THIS Hero.