There's an old saying, "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." For the church, we know where we are going; or at least we should. However, we don't necessarily know which road to take in order to get there. A vision statement for a church can provide that road. Our mission, "The Great Commission", is the "WHAT". Our vision statement becomes the "HOW".
For Canaan Baptist Church, we have had no lack of vision for the past year. What we have lacked is a vision statement to huddle around and say "Okay, team, let's all go in this direction together." Recently, the pastors met and labored over the topic of vision statement. We knew it was needed but we knew it had to be something direct and to-the-point; something memorable that would be easy to communicate to one another. After some time of talking and occassionally just sitting there staring at each other like we weren't sure if we could find this all important statement, God gave it to us. The one statement that will drive everything we do going into the future at Canaan will be this: "Canaan Baptist Church exists to multiply communities of Christ-followers." After we had it, we felt pretty good; but you may be saying, "But what does it mean?"
Stated very simply, we want to make a Christ-follower who makes a Christ-follower who makes a Christ-follower, etc. We want to create a small group that creates a small group that creates a small group, etc. We want to start a new congregation that starts a new congregation that starts a new congregation, etc.
No one is saved and left alone. We want to develop saved people into true followers of Jesus Christ. We expect them to go on to do the same for others. Why? Because Jesus expects that of us. We don't just start a small group and then leave that group to just enjoy one another. The small group is to reproduce itself as soon as possible. Why? Because Jesus expects us to keep reaching more people for more groups. We don't just start a congregation and just leave it there to either grow or die. The new congregation is expected to develp a strategy for starting other new congregations. Why? Because Jesus expects it of us.
We feel that God has definitely given Canaan this vision statement. We believe it will drive everything we do in the future. We believe God will grow His Kingdom as we obey Him in this way. We believe we will be called "FAITHFUL" by our Heavenly Father. May God be glorified as He uses us to multiply communities of Christ-followers throughout the world.
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